Admitted Students Day Travel Reimbursement Request

    Union Theological Seminary offers up to $200 in travel reimbursement for admitted students traveling from outside the tri-state area (NY, NJ, and CT) to visit our campus for Admitted Students Day

    Assistance is for individual admitted students. Parents and/or spouses, although invited and welcome to our event, are responsible for the costs of their travel arrangements.

    •    Register for Admitted Students Day; Full event attendance is required to qualify for reimbursement. Read below for full details.
    •    Send an email to to confirm if you are eligible for travel assistance, including your method of travel, estimated amount, and W9 Form.
    •    Only admitted students are eligible for reimbursement.
    •    Requests for travel reimbursement must be made no later than 30 days after Admitted Students Day.
    •    Carpooling & ride-sharing are strongly encouraged.
    •    Maximum total reimbursement amount: $200 per admitted student

    Please complete this Request for Travel Reimbursement and include any associated travel receipts.

    Email all gas and/or flight receipts and a completed W9 Form to, with the subject line "Travel Reimbursement Receipt(s)":

    • Flight or Uber/Lyft receipts must include the event attendees' name and the dollar amount of the purchase.
    • One-way driving directions may be accepted in place of gas receipts for (IRS mileage rate 58.5 cents per mile) mileage reimbursement
    • Original receipts are not required, but readable copies must accompany reimbursement requests

    Eligible expenses include:

    • Ground transportation to and from the airport
    • Airport parking for up to one 24-hour period
    • Airport
    • Charter Bus (ie, Greyhound) and Amtrak
    • Public transportation (Metrorail, MARC, Metrobus etc)
    • Car mileage over 50 miles each way
    • Tolls
    Reimbursement requests are subject to approval. We reserve the right to increase travel assistance based on situational circumstances and to refuse reimbursement for spending that exceeds the total estimated expenses. 
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
        EMAIL a copy of your travel receipt(s), maps, itinerary (PDF or Word format preferred) to the following:, subject line: "Travel Reimbursement Receipt(s)"